Our grandmother, whom we have always affectionately called Mimi, taught us a lot throughout our lives.
When we were kids, she might have spoiled us a little bit, but she also taught us how to find joy in small moments and how to love unconditionally. We would always play a “love you more” game with her, each trying to get the last word in. In an attempt to have the final say, we would blurt out “Love you more than whatever you say.” The phrase became something of a farewell ritual.
Once we were adults, she taught us how to be thankful for our blessings and for friends and family.
Most recently, she taught us how to persevere when things get tough. She fought her illnesses to the very end with unbelievable grace and calm, and always with a lucid sense of humor.
She sets an example for us we hope we can begin to live up to one day.
– Matt and Blake Watson