Matt Watson

I rewatched The Matrix and was unsettled

Matt Watson

I just rewatched The Matrix. It has always been a favorite of mine, but the last two times I’ve watched it, I’ve been left with an uneasy feeling. The Matrix has come to represent in my mind false beliefs that predominate in the second millennium.

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Song Swap: Lilac Wine

Matt Watson

Blake picked out this song for me as part of a “song swap” exercise, where we exchange songs we like and share our gut reactions. You can see his take on a Karl Jenkins piece I shared with him here.

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Thoughts about online Scrabble

Matt Watson

Here, I offer some pros and cons to the online Scrabble games I've tried and reflect on some ideas I have for making my own Scrabble clone website, and potentially other board games, with friends.

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Let me live dangerously, PHP

Matt Watson

As a web developer who works mainly with PHP, I’ve been experiencing the excruciating slog that is upgrading from version 7.4 to 8+. Among the many backward incompatibilities, the one that keeps rearing its ugly head the most by far is the new E_WARNING for trying to access an undefined key on an array.

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Weeping and gnashing of teeth over AI

Matt Watson

I have a love-hate relationship with technology in general and artificial intelligence (AI) in particular. Or I should say, a hate-love relationship, because I find myself hating these things by default and loving them only out of necessity. Like a relationship being maintained only out of convenience.

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Updates 2023

Matt Watson

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged about my personal life, so I figured it’s time for an update.

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Notes on The Ladder of Divine Ascent by John Climacus

Matt Watson

It took me almost exactly ten months, but I finally finished a great spiritual classic called The Ladder of Divine Ascent by St. John Climacus.

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